Nürnberg Data Science & AI User Group is a dynamic community for passionate and experienced data scientists eager to share ideas, knowledge, and expertise. This group provides a platform to shape the future of intelligent algorithms and influence the local tech ecosystem.
Meetups bring together like-minded individuals to engage in meaningful discussions and hands-on activities. With +900 members, the Nürnberg Data Science & AI User Group is organized by Dr. Benjamin Linnik and Lukas Spranger.
qSkills is proud to support this vibrant community by sponsoring their monthly events, offering venue space, pizza & drinks, and speakers.
Join us and be part of the growing data science and AI movement in Nürnberg! Find out more on the DS & AI group’s meetup.com page.
- Technical experts / IT specialists
- Programmers / Software developers
- DevOps & DevSecOps
- IT architects / IT administrators
- AI / data science enthusiasts
- AI / IT / math & physics students
- etc.
qSkills, a provider of AI training and AI certification, is excited to offer the local AI & ML community a platform in a state-of-the-art environment. Join us for an inspiring evening dedicated to Artificial Intelligence:
- Explore the World of AI: Dive into the fascinating realm of algorithms and discover the limitless possibilities unlocked by this groundbreaking technology.
- Engage with Experts: Be captivated by our talented speakers, who are experts in their fields, as they unveil the secrets of AI.
- Networking Opportunities: Connect with like-minded professionals, exchange ideas, and expand your network in the thriving Data Science community of Nürnberg.
- Enjoy Food and Drinks: Indulge in delicious pizza and refreshing drinks while engaging in discussions with fellow AI enthusiasts.
This is your chance to sharpen your skills, meet peers, and immerse yourself in the world of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. We look forward to an unforgettable evening with you!
Time: Donnerstag, 20.03.2025
Date: 17:30 – 22:00 Uhr
Location: Nürnberg / Hybrid Training
- 17:30 Uhr – Warm welcome with Lukas and Benni
- ca. 18:00 Uhr – Short introduction: qSkills & ADVISORI
- ca. 18:05 Uhr – TALK: Asan Stefanski
How AI & RAGs make software development more secure and developers more productive.
Complying with comprehensive security standards such as ISO 27001 is often a challenge for developers – especially if agile and efficient development processes are to be maintained at the same time. This presentation will show how AI technologies such as RAGs can be used to master this balance.
Using a live demo of our AI tools, you will learn how repetitive tasks can be automated and developers made more productive. Examples from practice:
- Automated threat modeling: Dev tickets (e.g. in Jira) are scanned, checklists are generated and relevant security guidelines are linked directly.
- Efficient team planning: Story points are analyzed to optimize development time and put together suitable teams.
- AI-supported code review: Automated peer reviews of the code before deployment releases.
- and much more…
This presentation offers practical insights and instructions on how to implement this innovative solution
- ca. 19:30 Uhr – networking
- 22.00 – end of event
Location qSkills – Südwestpark 65 – 90449 Nürnberg (5. Stock).
Online participants can take part via ZOOM, direct online registration via qskills.de is required!
Parking is available free of charge in the outdoor area from 6 pm, or for a fee in the parking garage. You can find more information on how to get here.
Eventdatum: Donnerstag, 20. März 2025 17:30 – 22:00
Eventort: Nürnberg
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
qSkills GmbH & Co. KG
Süd-West-Park 65
90449 Nürnberg
Telefon: +49 (911) 801030
Telefax: +49 (911) 8010-339
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